Project Description

White Polyaluminum Chloride(PAC-W29)

White Polyaluminum Chloride
  • It is a white powder polyaluminum chloride produced by the reaction of aluminum hydroxide powder and high-purity hydrochloric acid after spray drying.
  • The Basicity is low, only 47%, and the iron content is very low;
  • With high purity, it can be used as a flocculant for drinking water and industrial water supply.
  • Used in many fields such as tanning, medicine, cosmetics, and precision casting;
  • In recent years, white polyaluminum chloride has replaced aluminum sulfate as a neutral sizing precipitant in the paper industry.
Specifications GB15892-2009
Item Index
Al2O3,% 29.0
Basicity,% 40.0-65.0(Average 47.0)
PH(1% water solution) 3.5-5.0
SO42-,% 0.01500
Fe,% 0.01500