There are many types of flocculants. Conventional flocculants include polyaluminum chloride, polyaluminum sulfate, polymeric ferric sulfate, etc. Due to the change in sewage quality, cost, supply chain, and other factors, sewage treatment plants often change the type or manufacturer of flocculants. How to replace the flocculant?
How to replace the flocculant

1. Determine whether the new flocculant meets the sewage treatment requirements through experiments.

Flocculant is a kind of chemical, with different compositions and concentrations, there will be some differences when it is used. Therefore, before deciding to use new flocculants, it is suggested to confirm that the new flocculants can meet the requirements of sewage treatment through comparative experiments.

2.Clean flocculant storage facilities

The use of flocculants needs to be dissolved into liquid, so the storage facilities should be cleaned before using new flocculants to avoid contamination of new flocculants.

3.Mix new and old flocculants and observe whether there is any abnormality

The flocculant liquid is transported by pipeline, so it is necessary to mix new and old flocculants and observe whether there will be sedimentation. For example, polymerized ferric sulfate and calcium chloride generate calcium sulfate precipitation, resulting in pipe blockage.

4.Timely observe the change in water quality and increase the detection frequency of water samples

Most of the new flocculants will meet the expected requirements. When we use new flocculants, we also need to observe the change of water quality in time, increase the detection frequency, and collect more comprehensive use data.

5.Asking for help from suppliers

Mature suppliers should have a good understanding of their product production process and ingredients, so it is a simple and labor-saving measure to Ask for help from suppliers. Although we know that polyaluminum chloride is a flocculant, the auxiliary components of polyaluminum chloride provided by different manufacturers are different, some contain calcium chloride, some contain aluminum sulfate, some contain organic substances, etc. Chemical reactions may occur between different auxiliary components, which affect the use of flocculants. These can be obtained from the supplier.