Aluminum chlorohydrate is abbreviated as ACH, the molecular formula is Al2 (OH) 5Cl · 2H2O. It is a kind of inorganic polymer compound of aluminum chloride (basicity) higher than polyaluminum Chloride. The ACH developed by our company is used as an inorganic salt flocculant/cosmetics additive. This product is produced by the reaction polymerization of synthetic hydrochloric acid and aluminum ingots in a particular device. Among the current aluminum salt flocculant products, ACH has many advantages. It not only has the benefits of polyaluminum chloride but also has better quality than polyaluminum chloride.
ACH packing
The features and advantages of ACH are as follows:
  • The active ingredients of ACH products are high. The effective content of ordinary liquid polyaluminum chloride is about 10% (calculated by alumina), and the content of ACH can reach more than 23% (calculated by alumina). The effective content of solid polyaluminum chloride is about 30% (calculated by alumina), and the content of solid ACH can reach more than 46% (calculated by alumina).
  • The basicity of ACH is the highest among the aluminum salt flocculants in the solution state, reaching about 83%. High basicity means that ACH has a high degree of polymerization, and the control effect of turbidity in water treatment is good. In addition, ACH has little effect on the pH value of water samples and can play a role in a wider range of pH solutions (such as solutions of pH 9.5).
  • ACH is used for drinking water treatment, and the treated water is better than PAC and aluminum sulfate in terms of turbidity and residual aluminum. Residual aluminum is an important indicator in the effluent indicators of drinking water plants. Aluminum is not easily discharged after being absorbed by the human body, and excessive accumulation in the human body will lead to human poisoning. This is also an important reason why developed countries are willing to use ACH instead of polyaluminum chloride. The use of ACH can greatly reduce the residual aluminum content compared to the use of PAC, which effectively improves the quality of our drinking water.
As can be seen from the figure below, ACH has obvious advantages over PAC.
  • On the other hand, as a cosmetic additive, pure white daily chemical grade ACH is widely used as a raw material in antiperspirants.
        Of course, it is also true that the price of ACH is very expensive because the technology and raw material costs are very high by using metal aluminum and synthetic hydrochloric acid as the main raw materials. As the highest quality polyaluminum chloride, I believe it has a very optimistic prospect in the future drinking water treatment and daily chemical additives industry.