Industrial sewage treatment needs to choose the appropriate process, equipment, and water treatment chemicals according to the characteristics of the water. So as to realize the mature technology, stable and reliable, economic and reasonable industrial sewage treatment process.
industrial sewage treatment
As a technical researcher of polyaluminum chloride, we offer following advice:

The price and effect are determined by the alumina content

The price and the use effect are the decisive factors for the purchase of polyaluminum chloride. The alumina content directly affects the price of polyaluminum chloride. With the same alumina content, the price difference will not be particularly large.

Treatment of industrial sewage, it is not recommended to use polyaluminium chloride for drinking water

polyaluminium chloride for drinking water has high purity and no impurities, it is an excellent flocculant product. But it is not suitable as a flocculant for sewage treatment. Sewage contains a large amount of COD, P, harmful substances, heavy metals, etc. Industrial polyaluminum chloride contains iron ions and calcium ions and has a good ability to remove these pollutants. In the treatment of industrial sewage, industrial polyaluminum chloride is used, which has a good use effect, low cost, and resource-saving.

Different industrial sewage can try different polyaluminum chloride

The production process of polyaluminum chloride is different, and the salinity and iron content is also different. For different industrial sewage, some industrial sewage is suitable for polyaluminum chloride with low salinity, and some industrial sewage is suitable for polyaluminum chloride with high iron content. For different industrial sewage, can try different polyaluminum chlorides for comparison.

For heavily polluted industrial sewage, try to use flocculants in combination, there will be surprising results

There are some industrial effluents that contain very high levels of specific pollutants such as COD, phosphorus, and color. For this type of industrial wastewater, two flocculants can be used in combination to achieve surprising results.For example, printing and dyeing wastewater has a very high chroma. It can be pretreated with a decolorizing flocculant (formaldehyde dicyandiamide resin), and then combined with polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide, which can achieve a very ideal sewage treatment effect. It is difficult to achieve the expected effect by only using polyaluminum chloride.