Poly Aluminium Chloride is an important water treatment chemical, many environmental companies care about its price. There are many factors affecting poly aluminum chloride Manufacturer & Supplier prices. We choose several essential factors for analysis.
Poly Aluminium Chloride is a important water treatment chemical, many environmental companies care about its price. There are many factors affecting poly aluminum chloride Manufacturer & Supplier prices. We choose several important factors for analysis.

Effect of hydrochloric acid price

Hydrochloride is a direct or indirect raw material for polymer aluminum chloride, so the price of hydrochloric acid has a great impact on polymer aluminum chloride.polyaluminum chloride for drinking water use industrial synthetic hydrochloric acid.poly aluminium chloride for industrial water use by -produced hydrochloric acid. The supply of by-production hydrochloric acid is sufficient in March-September, the price is low, and the supply is insufficient from October to February, and the price is high. The long-term trend, the price of hydrochloric acid will rise slowly in the next 3-5 years, so the price of polyaluminum chloride will become higher.

Effect of aluminum hydroxide price

Aluminum hydroxide is an important raw material for the production of polyaluminum chloride. Although many factories can use bauxite to replace aluminum hydroxide, the high-quality polyaluminum chloride raw material is mainly aluminum hydroxide. In the next 3-5 years, the price of aluminum hydroxide will be relatively stable, because the price is already high, so the price of high-purity polyaluminum chloride will not change much, and even the price will have a downward trend.

Effect of calcium aluminate prices

Calcium aluminate is a unique raw material of polyaluminum chloride in China and has a large cost advantage. Almost all raw materials of polyaluminum chloride are inseparable from calcium aluminate (except high-purity polyaluminum chloride). At present, the supply of calcium aluminate is relatively balanced. In the short term, the price of calcium aluminate is stable. In winter, there will be small fluctuations in coal prices, and they will not increase significantly in the long run. Therefore, the price of industrial polyaluminum chloride with calcium aluminate as the main raw material is stable.

Effect of fuel prices

The drying cost of polyaluminum chloride accounts for about 1/3 of the total cost. The drying of polyaluminum chloride requires coal or natural gas. Prices of coal and natural gas fluctuate greatly.

Effect of labor costs

The polyaluminum chloride production factory has a high degree of automation, few personnel, and labor costs have a limited impact on product prices.

The price of industrial polyaluminum chloride is stable from March to September, and the price will rise from October to February of the next year. The main influencing factors are the price of hydrochloric acid and the price of fuel.

         The prices of high-purity polyaluminum chloride and polyaluminum chloride for drinking water are stable, and the main influencing factors are the price of aluminum hydroxide and the price of fuel. The price of fuel is affected by the global market and cannot be predicted.