Polyaluminum Chloride use in the swimming pool
     Summer is coming, more and more people like to swim, and swimming pool hygiene is difficult to maintain. Human body oil, sweat, hair, etc. enter the swimming pool, making the swimming pool water cloudy. Therefore, swimming pool cleaning is particularly important. When cleaning the swimming pool water, the pollutants suspended in the swimming pool cannot be removed with a vacuum cleaner. At this time, we need water treatment in the swimming pool.
       This article introduces some tips and precautions for water treatment in a swimming pool.
       First of all, we have to choose a good swimming pool water treatment chemical, which can achieve good results. Usually alum, poly aluminum chloride. At present, poly aluminum chloride is used as a swimming pool water treatment chemical. If you are still using alum, it is recommended to stop using it, because alum reacts with water, and the resulting aluminum is an element that damages nerves and is toxic to a certain extent. aluminum can cause Alzheimer’s. Poly aluminum chloride is more effective than alum and is very safe.
       Next, we will focus on the use and precautions of poly aluminum chloride as a swimming pool water treatment.
  •  Please use drinking water grade poly aluminum chloride, not industrial poly aluminum chloride, Its color is white or pale yellow;
  • The dosage is 5-10 grams per cubic meter of water. First, the poly aluminum chloride is mixed into an aqueous solution, and it is fully dissolved, and then diluted with water.
  •  In order to make the poly aluminum chloride evenly exist in the swimming pool, it is necessary to open the circulating filter system for at least half an hour after putting it in.
  • After alum flowers appear in the swimming pool, it is necessary to keep the swimming pool prohibited for 6-8 hours, so that the alum flowers sink entirely to the bottom of the pool.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner to clean the bottom of the pool.
     Note 1: The pH of the water must be adjusted to 7.5-7.8 before putting it in so that the effect of polyaluminum chloride can be exerted.
     Note 2: Do not put water purifiers on rainy days, because the water cannot stand still, and the pH of the water cannot be kept between 7.5-7.8.
     Note 3: Do not put other chemicals 8 hours before and after the polyaluminum chloride.