Focus on Polyaluminum chloride

 PAC (Polyaluminum chloride)

 It is the most used Aluminum salt flocculant product and has a good effect on the water with high turbidity, low turbidity, high chroma, and ground temperature. Most sewage plants in the world use poly aluminum chloride as a flocculant.

About Our Polyaluminum Chloride

Polyaluminum chloride is a water purification material, which is an inorganic polymer water treatment agent with a large molecular weight and high charge produced by the bridging effect of hydroxide ions and the polymerization of polyvalent anions.

Its chemical formula is Al2Cln(OH)6-n. Polyaluminum chloride can be divided into solid and liquid. The color of solid polyaluminum chloride is white, light yellow, yellow, brown, black grains or powder, It is easy to get wet and soluble in water. The hydrolysis process is accompanied by physical and chemical processes such as electrochemistry, agglutination, adsorption, and precipitation. It has strong bridging adsorption performance, and the water purification effect is obviously better than monomolecular flocculants. Liquid polyaluminum chloride can be colorless transparent, light gray, light yellow or brown transparent or translucent liquid without precipitation.

The aqueous solution of polyaluminum chloride is a hydrolyzed product between aluminum trichloride and aluminum hydroxide. It has a colloidal charge and has strong adsorption to suspended solids in water, so as to achieve the effect of flocculation.

   Polyaluminum chloride is one of the most widely used and marketed inorganic flocculant. Polyaluminum chloride can remove heavy metals, organic pigments, and radioactive pollutants in sewage and raw water very well. In particular, it has a high removal rate for oil, COD, sulfur, etc. contained in industrial sewage. At the same time, it can increase the activity of biochemical microorganisms and improve the biochemical degradation ability. Polyaluminum chloride has a good flocculation effect on high turbidity, low turbidity, high color, and low-temperature water. Polyaluminum chloride is an excellent flocculant in the treatment process of oilfield exploitation, oil refining, papermaking, mining and metallurgy, drilling and domestic water, sewage, oil-water purification, and special water quality (such as radioactive substances and lead, chromium-containing sewage ) . Polyaluminum chloride is a new type of high-efficiency, low-consumption, and non-toxic polymer water purifier, which is widely used in metallurgy, electric power, tanning, medicine, printing, and dyeing, papermaking, chemical industry, and other industries. It is also an ideal drug for treating high fluoride water and is used in the chemical industry, foundry, cement, refractory materials, etc.

Polyaluminum chloride has a good effect on removing iron and manganese, and can obtain water with low conductivity after flocculation; the flocs are formed quickly, the flocs are heavy, and the settling is fast; It has the characteristics of low cost, high activity, convenient operation, wide applicability, and low corrosiveness. Due to the above advantages of polyaluminum chloride, there is a tendency to replace aluminum sulfate.

  • Dissolve and dilute the solid polyaluminum chloride into a solution of about 20%~30%;
  • Add the polyaluminum chloride solution to the water waiting to be treated.
  • Stir well and flocs will appear.
  • Select the appropriate PH value, polyaluminum chloride can achieve the best flocculation effect
  • The dosage should not be too much, otherwise, the water will become turbid again. The dosage is generally 50~2000mg/L.
  • When the turbidity of the raw water is high, the dosage should be appropriately increased;
  • When the turbidity is low, the dosage can be appropriately reduced.
  • When used in rural areas, the agent can be put into a water tank and stirred evenly before use, and about 1g of solid polyaluminum chloride is added to every 50kg of turbid water.
  • The optimal amount can be determined by beaker experiments.

Polyaluminum chloride is corrosive, and production and users need to wear work clothes, masks, gloves, protective shoes, etc. The production equipment should be sealed, and the workshop should be well ventilated. If a solution containing polyaluminum chloride is spilled on the skin, rinse immediately with water. Avoid splashing into eyes. If splashed into the eyes, rinse with plenty of water and seek medical attention.

Refer to the quality indicators specified in the National Standard for Polyaluminum Chloride for Water Treatment Agents (GB/T 22627-2014) and the National Standard for Polyaluminum Chloride for Drinking Water (GB 15892-2020). Customized products are based on the quality indicators stipulated in the contract, and the testing standards refer to national standards.

The liquid polyaluminum chloride products are packed in clean, acid and alkali resistant special storage tanks or polyethylene plastic drums. Solid polyaluminum chloride products are packaged in double-layer bags, the inner layer needs to be sealed with polyvinyl chloride plastic film, and the outer layer is firmly packaged with plastic woven bags. Solid polyaluminum chloride should be stored in a cool, dry, and ventilated warehouse. During transportation, it should be protected from sunlight, rain, moisture and heat, and should not be mixed with toxic, colored and flammable substances.

Other water treatment chemicals

The use of polyaluminum chloride in combination with some other water treatment chemicals can significantly improve the effectiveness of water treatment, thereby reducing the cost of water treatment and achieving the best water treatment effect.
For example:
  • The use of polyaluminum chloride and poly ferric sulfate together (not directly mixed-use) can improve the removal of phosphorus from wastewater.
  • Using polyaluminum chloride and polyacrylamide together (not directly mixed-use) can improve the flocculation effect and achieve higher efficiency in wastewater treatment.
  • Polyaluminum chloride has a poor removal effect of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater. Adding sodium acetate to the biochemical tank improves the activity of bacteria and indirectly realizes the removal of ammonia nitrogen in wastewater.

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