Drinking water-grade polyaluminum chloride is a water-purifying chemical agent. If the water in the home is turbid, can you add drinking water-grade polyaluminum chloride to the water, then drink directly? The answer is no;

Although drinking water-grade polyaluminum chloride is a water-purifying agent, its role cannot be understood from the name. Drinking water grade polyaluminum chloride cannot be drunk with water. Polyaluminum chloride contains a large amount of aluminum. Medical studies have shown that if aluminum is ingested in large doses for a long time, it will cause pathological changes in the nervous system, interfere with people’s thinking, consciousness, and memory functions, and even cause dementia in severe cases.
The principle of polyaluminum chloride water purification is to flocculate and precipitate the pollutants in the water body through physical and chemical reactions, and then collect and separate the flocculates through the equipment to obtain relatively clean water for further treatment.
In the process of water purification, most polymerized aluminum chloride is separated from the water by the flocs, but the water does not meet the standard of drinking water, and this water cannot be directly drink.
On the other hand, polyaluminum chloride is only an indispensable part of drinking water treatment. However, if it needs to reach the drinking water standard, it should cooperate with activated carbon adsorption, filter material filtration and water disinfection.
If the tap water at home is turbid, it is recommended to purchase a water purifier containing RO membrane, and drink it after treatment by the water purifier or directly purchase bottled drinking water. Chemical treatment of water requires professionals to cooperate with professional equipment, otherwise it may bring unknown risks, so don’t try it easily.