The papermaking industry is the source of industrial pollution. The papermaking process consumes a lot of water. Production of 1-ton of recycled paper requires 20-30 m³ of water, and production of 1-ton of white paper even requires 300-500 m³ of water. So how to use of flocculants in paper mills is very important to protect water resources.

 Characteristics of papermaking wastewater
  1. Sewage is generated by cooking wood pulp.
  2. Sewage was discharged from the beater and refiner.
  3.  Paper machine sewage.
 The main pollutants contained in sewage
  1. Suspended solids, mainly fibers and fiber fines
  2. Easily biodegradable organic matter. Including low molecular weight hemicellulose, methanol, acetic acid, formic acid, sugars, etc.
  3. Refractory biodegradable organic matter. Mainly from the lignin and macromolecular carbohydrates contained in the fiber raw material.
  4. Toxic substances. Rosin acid and unsaturated fatty acids, etc.
  5. Acid-base poisons. The pH value of alkaline pulping wastewater is 9~10; the pH value of acid pulping wastewater is 1.2~2.0.
  6. Chroma. The residual lignin contained in the pulping wastewater is high in color.
 Recommendations for flocculants for paper mill wastewater:
  1. PH has a great influence on the use of flocculants, so it is necessary to keep the pH stable.
  2. The COD of the paper mill is relatively high. If the aerobic bacteria process is used to remove the COD, the CNP ratio should be controlled at 100:5:1;
  3. Low N element, black basic aluminum chloride can be used as flocculant. It can supplement the N element, greatly reduce the cost, and has a good water treatment effect.
  4. High requirements for the color of water, it is recommended to use white polyaluminum chloride, which is expensive, but the color of the water is good.
  5. It is recommended to use polyaluminum chloride with polyacrylamide for better effect.
  6. If the water is reused too many times, the salt content will increase. The flocculation effect will be poor, and need add freshwater to replace the sewage.