Polyaluminium chloride is the most widely used flocculant for water treatment in the world. China and Japan first developed and applied poly aluminum chloride. These two countries with the highest production and sales.
Compare the difference between Japanese and Chinese Polyaluminium chloride
many purchasing representatives’ feedback. There are obvious differences in Polyaluminium chloride between China and Japan.
        Let’s analyze the reasons here.
First, the same name, different ingredients.
        Main components of PAC in China : [Al2(OH)nCl6-n]m   ,   CaCl2   ,   AlCl3

Main components of PAC in Japan : [Al2(OH)nCl6-n]m,  Al2(SO4)3 ,  AlCl3

        The auxiliary components in the product are different, Due to the presence of calcium chloride, China’s PAC has a better effect on phosphorus treatment of sewage.
         Also because of the presence of calcium chloride, China’s PAC cannot be mixed with aluminum sulfate. Otherwise, a chemical reaction is placed to form calcium sulfate.
Second, national standards are different.
        China’s  GB15892-2020
Compare the difference between Japanese and Chinese Polyaluminium chloride1
Japan’s JIS K1475-1996
Compare the difference between Japanese and Chinese Polyaluminium chloride2
Comparing the two criteria, it can be found that the salinity index has the largest difference. The degree of salinity affects the use effect of the product.
Third, the use environment is different.
China’s poly aluminum chloride has advantages in industrial sewage treatment, urban sewage treatment, and drinking water treatment.
Japan’s poly aluminum chloride is widely used in drinking water treatment.
Fourth, China is imitating Japan, but Japan can’t learn from China.
As a resource-rich country, with the development of Chinese technology. China’s PAC production category is constantly expanding, on the one hand, it develops its own existing technology, and on the other hand, it is learning Japanese technology.
In the future, China’s PAC will have more categories, better quality, and more affordable prices. Japan lacks resources and will rely on Chinese factories.
Final recommendations:
Poly aluminum chloride for industrial and urban sewage treatment is recommended to choose China’s poly aluminum chloride.
Poly aluminum chloride used in cosmetics and drinking water can be compared with Japanese products.
An excellent factory in China can provide high-quality products at a reasonable price.